Private Pilot Ground School
Private Pilot Ground School - Winter 2025

Join us beginning January 7th for a Private Pilot Ground School presented by Star Flight Training at the Roanoke-Blacksburg
Regional Airport in Roanoke, VA. Taught by experienced FAA-certificated instructors, this 12 week course uses both classroom
and hands-on instruction to teach you the fundamental knowledge you'll need to become a pilot and help prepare you for the FAA knowledge test.
Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday
nights from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Class size is limited to ensure quality student to instructor ratio, so enroll early to reserve your seat!
Cost: $429 (includes books and materials). For registration, please use the PayPal button below:
If you prefer not to use PayPal, you can sign up over the phone (540-855-8186) or in person with us at the flight school office.